Scott McNealy will Speak at TechRaising

We are pleased to announce that Scott McNealy will be the featured speaker at TechRaising Santa Cruz on Saturday May 21 at 10AM.

Scott McNealy, is an industry icon and co-founder of Sun Microsystems. McNealy co-founded Sun Microsystems in 1982. He served as chief executive officer and chairman at Sun for 22 years, steering the company to constant innovation in open, network computing. He helped transform the company from a start-up to a leading provider of network computing infrastructure with more than 30,000 employees worldwide, all while positioning the company as the model of corporate integrity. McNealy is known for his longstanding commitment to education and advocacy for open and competitive business practices. McNealy is the visionary behind, a social network for educators who wish to develop, collaborate and share world-class tutorial resources. He serves on the Curriki Board of Directors and leads the charge in the use of social media for making great curricula universally available. Scott serves as an advisor to several Silicon Valley startups, including IngBoo, a social media company helping online retailers extend their floor space to Facebook and Twitter.

Scott McNealy doesn’t speak at many events and this will certainly be a treat. Hope you can join us.

TechRaising May 20 6pm to May 22 6PM