Seth Godin continually amazes me. He boils things down, strips away complications, and finds the essence hidden within. While the thoughts in his recent blog post about accepting false limits may not be unique, Seth brought them to my attention at a very opportune time.
Many of us, myself included, impose needless and sometimes crippling limits on ourselves. One of the limits that we often impose is personal capacity. While it is true that this may be a personal limit, it does not have to be a limit in achieving a goal.
When we do not have the expertise or personal capacity to pursue an interest or passion, enlist others to help; build what Napoleon Hill calls a Mastermind group – people who are motivated to align their passion, interest and expertise to drive a goal forward by coordinating and collaborating to build something bigger than any of them could build on their own.
My hope that TechRaising can help us shed needless limits and build capacity through collaboration. While the event takes place on May 20 through 22, there is no need to wait to get things started. Talk about your ideas, brainstorm, get others inspired, build interest, spark passion and start making things happen NOW.