
TechRaising was founded in 2011 to support local communities in creating sustainable tech ecosytems. We aim to provide the space and support for individuals to gather, collaborate, build, promote, and gain momentum for their ideas.

While TechRaisers build tech, many people who participate are not technical. It is the melding of diversity of experience, background, technical, non technical, online, in real life, opinions, and the open flow of knowledge and expertise that allows tech projects to flourish. This is work… good work. We are starting at home.

The inaugural TechRaising was held in May 2011 at Cruzio. Over 100 people participated, 38 ideas were pitched, 8 were built in 48 hours, and 2 received funding. Tech icon Scott McNealy gave a thought provoking Keynote to a standing room only crowd.

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